Linda Thunberg was featured in the book, Journey to Love by Delores Eckles. You can purchase a copy by clicking here.
Here is an excerpt from the book:
“The most astounding therapy happened on January 23, 2014, when, after having read Sandra Taylor’s The Hidden Power of Your Past Lives (mentioned in Chapter 9), I had an appointment with Linda, a clinical hypnotherapist/regression therapist. Linda used a visualization technique to release the traumatic memories from these bodies broken over lifetimes. Near the end of the hypnosis session, Linda (she is intuitive) said that there was a being who had a message for me. I saw a large angel standing before me. Angels are androgynous (free of gender because they have no bodies), but I felt a feminine energy approaching me. She placed her hand on my heart with the message, ‘Be Love.'”
Outstanding Metaphysical Contribution Awarded to Linda Thunberg, MHt, CCP, OM, LBLt. Click here for the full press release.